Melodic Flesh
To kick off…
what better way than to call on a work with a name like Melodic Flesh! I made & performed this work in London back in 2006. It was a solo improvisation in dance and voice to an original sound score. This is a compiled soundbite from the sound score.
We sit, we stand, we walk and what else…?
There are interlacing patterns in every given moment, dive in and capture with all your senses – venture into the music box.
This short score is part of a larger investigation into the relationship between sound and movement. It’s a matter of vibration and conversation – as sound hits you in any given moment you physicalise & reconfigure your experience of sound and self…
The soundscape is constructed of voice & original recordings from our everyday environment.
2’39” compiled soundbite
(Full soundscape duration 9’45”)