Our ‘All Over Everywhereness’
Our ‘All Over Everywhereness’ What about drawing and craft making while eating breakfast, using the food processor as an oven, singing about random stuff at the top of your voice, wiping your sticky hands on your brother’s t-shirt, rolling around in delight on the kitchen floor while sticking your feet in the pantry, clearing a surface with one sweep of an arm, wailing because the dress you want is in the washing machine and five minutes later laughing about burnt toast…? Seriously what about it? This is a regular morning in the...
Read MoreIt Cajoles Me… A Prologue
It Cajoles Me… A Prologue I hit play on a favourite track, close my eyes, breathe… let the sensation of pleasure spread through the whole of me, and move a little. Then I raise my hands to the keys and begin to write, and what I write first, is this. I wonder at this only for a moment as I quickly realise that everything I do has a kinesthetic flavour. It’s both the kinesthetic intelligence inherent in our cells, and the fact that this is an entirely undervalued and underemphasised intelligence in our society, that fuels my work. It was there driving the creation of The...
Read MoreRecognition
I have a regular practice in Body-Mind Centering – an embodied approach to movement, body and consciousness. This approach was established by Bonnie Bainbridge-Cohen and I study it under the guidance of Alice Cummins. Each week a group of 15 or so movement practitioners traverse the landscape of our anatomy and physiology. We dive into the mind of a particular tissue or system so as to unravel an innate wisdom, which I believe is a marvellous guide to our daily living. I wrote the following piece, Recognition after several hours exploring...
Read MoreFractal
Fractal PLAY AUDIO HERE It’s time for some music… I feel compelled to share a work with you that’s very close to my heart. In London, back in 2008 musician Christin Rauter and I made an album, Looking For Wonderland. The track ‘Fractal’ has particular relevance to our discussion about movement – about the patterns we create in our daily dealings and the constantly expanding and condensing energetics of these experiences. Fractal – the track… A meditation on sound. A fractal is a fragmented geometric shape that can be...
Read MoreAudio Diary: First Entry
Audio Diary: First Entry PLAY AUDIO HERE I’ll tell you a secret…I’ve always wanted to have a radio programme discussing all things related to movement. The radio journalist in me never really left. So consider my blog offerings to date as the beginnings of this radio programme. And this particular offering, introducing a new component – an Audio Diary. I have every intension of regular entires – be sure to hold me to this as I’ll readily excuse myself from it given half the chance. Funny how we do that with the stuff of our...
Read MoreWhat’s Here…
It’s been some time since my last post – tis the reality of having a baby. Now he’s bigger and I’m stronger I’m returning to my blogging and pleased to say that I’ve added another category – A Touch of Text. Sound and spoken word are indeed close to my heart, so too is the written word. These words arose from a moving meditation one early autumnal Sunday morning. What’s Here… We cross time. In the matter of us we span eons, we know we are the stuff of stars. I...
Read MoreDay Five
Day Five PLAY AUDIO HERE To share another recent piece of writing with you is thrilling. I write to read. It’s the radio journalist still lingering in me. I move to create – that’s the dancer infused in my every cell. It’s day five of my Embryology adventure with Alice Cummins and an intimate group of inspiring women… this is what arose. (1’10” – Day Five by Camilla Maling)
Read More‘re’ back + ‘petere’ seek
‘re’ back + ‘petere’ seek PLAY AUDIO HERE John Cage once said… “If you find something boring, keep looking at it, keep looking at it and keep looking at it until you find it interesting.” I refer to this so often in my movement and sound practice. Here is a little audio sketch doing just that – unravelling the beauty in the ordinary. (1’33” – ‘re’ back + ‘petere’ seek by Camilla...
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